Social Media Tips for Success for Businesses by Kimberly Ercius

Every business is challenged with the task of improving online visibility. Small businesses find it especially challenging as they have less bandwidth and fewer resources to implement search engine marketing techniques.

Many small businesses have a cult like following which, when leveraged, can be their greatest asset. If you can provide the platform for the voices of your most loyal customers, they have the potential to be your best marketing machine. Social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, are often that platform.


A recent study by eMarketer looked at the top motives for following a brand or company on Twitter[1].

1- 38% of respondents said that they wanted to receive updates on future products.

2- 32% of respondents wanted to stay informed about the activities of a company.

3- 31% of respondents follow brands to receive information about discounts and promotions.

The other top content that motivates customers to follow brands on Twitter are the following: updates on sales, free giveaways, entertainment, exclusive content, etc. Twitter provides the ideal platform for short, quick updates to large amounts of followers.


Why would your customers want to “like” you on Facebook? There are several benefits to the user who “likes” your business on Facebook. First, it might give them exclusive access to deals and promotions you offer. Second, if you’re witty, they’ll likely continue to pay attention to your brand for the entertaining content relative to a topic they are interested in. Third, it allows them to show support for their favorite brands and to see which of their other friends also “like” that company.

The following are the top 3 tips for natural social media success for your business:

1- Only genuine “likes” and “followers” are useful. If you can create a community of people who genuinely are interested in the topic and would want to interact with you and other members of the community you build, that is a formula for success.
2- Encourage your clients to post about you and tag your name. Hands down, that is the best way to build the community and generate qualified leads. Each time this happens, we get a number of messages directly through Facebook from people that are interested in learning more about working with us.
3- When you interact with your community, don’t focus on your company’s success. Focus on what your audience wants- tips to make their company successful. Provide useful information that is both timely and actionable, and they will continue to value the network you have created online.

For additional information about this topic, or to learn how to promote your business on the top social channels, please contact Sercius directly at or “like” us on Facebook

[1], August 26th, 2010

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