Resume Action Words to Describe your Skills

Resume Action Words to Describe your Skills


Action words are the key to making your accomplishments sound impressive. If you’re like many students, you’re worried that you haven’t done anything that will get you the job. But you’ve probably done more than you think you have. Using words like these to describe what you’ve done at work or in other activities can help bring that out.

If you’ve started something:
Created Designed Developed Devised Established
Founded Generated Implemented Initiated Installed
Instituted Introduced Launched Originated Organized
If you’ve led something:
Administered Allotted Approved Assessed Assigned
Chaired Coached Conducted Controlled Coordinated
Delegated Directed Enabled Enlisted Ensured
Evaluated Facilitated Guided Headed Inspected
Instructed Managed Monitored Motivated Orchestrated
Planned Prepared Prioritized Recruited Researched
Resolved Reviewed Scheduled Screened Selected
Solved Structured Supervised Surveyed Taught
If you’ve done something:
Achieved Acted Advised Allocated Analyzed
Attained Balanced Calculated Clarified Classified
Compiled Completed Composed Consolidated Converted
Counseled Decreased Demonstrated Diagnosed Documented
Drafted Edited Engineered Enhanced Expanded
Expedited Finalized Forecasted Identified Improved
Increased Integrated Interpreted Investigated Maintained
Maximized Negotiated Obtained Performed Presented
Produced Promoted Provided Quantified Reconciled
Reduced Reorganized Revamped Revised Revitalized
Simplified Specified Stimulated Streamlined Strengthened
Miscellaneous Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs:
Actively Collaborated Contributed Independently Marketed
Participated Proficient Project Significantly Strategy
Structure Successfully