Press Release: Anti Poverty Crusader Appeals to the Spirit of America

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Grass roots nonprofit organization is taking the unemployment situation by storm and has devised five programs to stop and reduce unemployment throughout the United States.

 Goodyear, AZ, April 23, 2009 –(– “Fighting Unemployment One Resume at a Time

Founder and President Joshua Turner of the newly established charitable organization Help My Resume, ( is considered an idealist for holding to the firm belief that within the hearts of most Americans, resides a traditional spirit of hope and willingness to extend a helping hand to those who need it most. He recently made this comment as he reinforced his organization’s prime mission by announcing that: “We are here to fight unemployment one resume at a time.”

Outlining Help My Resume’s 2009 objectives, he says the cornerstone of his charitable group’s efforts is to fight poverty and the sense of hopelessness that comes with it. They do this by assisting the thousands of newly unemployed persons who are feeling the pinch in light of the recent economic downturn, with a no-charge professionally written resume.

Turner says his organization comes across scores of unemployed individuals from every corner of America, who although they may be equipped with an impressive set of job skills, a great deal of these don’t know how to clearly express and present their uniqueness and value to a perspective employer, via a well written resume. Subsequently, within the ever increasingly competitive job market, invitations from employers to discuss specific employment opportunities remain elusive and out of reach.

To counter this, a team of volunteer expert resume writers and industry specific specialists have been assembled. These volunteers will craft a professionally written resume on behalf of clients who come to them seeking help.

In support of Help My Resume, they are launching a second program entitled the Ready Start Program. “Ready Start furnishes clients who have secured a confirmed job interview with a new and fresh suit of clothes” Turner explains. He believes an individual also has to feel good about themselves in order to come across as someone who is collectively confident, competent and professional.

Other no-charge assistance being offered for the unemployed include a Get Healthy Program, which as the name suggests, gives job seekers a chance to improve themselves physically in a manner and way which also builds up confidence levels. Also in the works for 2009 is a Business Loan Program for persons who want to start a small business of their own.

A survival guide for the unemployed

Just lost your job? These 13 tips will help you find ways to cope, from keeping up your spirits to prioritizing your spending. By Liz Pulliam Weston If you’ve just lost your job, the decisions you make in the coming days and weeks may be critical to your financial survival. How you organize your time, corral your resources and handle your money will help determine whether this job loss is a temporary setback or a potentially life-changing disaster. But your most important task will be managing yourself, said career coach Nancy Collamer. “It’s OK to catch your breath and lick your wounds,” said Collamer, the publisher of the Jobs and Moms Web site and author of the e-book “The Layoff Survival Guide.” “Take a week, two weeks if you need it” — but then get going.

Here’s what you need to do:

Click here to read the entire article.


The cornerstone and namesake of Help My Resume is our no-charge professionally written resume rewriting service. Although an individual may be equipped with an impressive set of job skills, many don’t know how to clearly express and present their uniqueness and value to a perspective employer, via a well written and strategic structured resume. Subsequently, within the ever increasingly competitive job market, invitations from employers to discuss specific employment opportunities remain elusive and out of reach.

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